Botanical Dimensions | Master of Shapes | Immersive Experience

Botanical Dimensions | Master of Shapes | Immersive Experience
Creative Technologist: Adam Amaral
Game Development: Rob Meza, Jordan Halsey, Jonathan Moore
Sound Design: Canopy LA
Master of Shapes brought me to do level design, VFX, and look development on an immersive and interactive experience named Botanical Dimensions. Botanical Dimensions was built using SideFX Houdini and Unreal Engine and installed in a warehouse in Los Angeles, where the team constructed a small, real-world jungle environment. We used a wide variety of rented plants for the environment, and the environment was further made immersive with the use of a complete Dolby Atmos sound system. The viewer would stand within this space and control a 14′ rear-projected hexagon that flew through the immersive world we created. The set was supplemented by interactive L.E.D lighting and fog machines to enhance the environment further.

World Building in Unreal Engine 4.5

Terrain Development in SideFX Houdini

Asset Development in SideFX Houdini